Guinea Pig Life Span
Guinea Pig Life Span *
While the average guinea pig lifespan is around 4-6 years, with good care, some can live to 8 or more years. Here are a few factors that may affect their longevity.
A balanced diet rich in hay, fresh vegetables (especially vitamin C-rich foods like bell peppers), and quality guinea pig pellets is essential. Lack of vitamin C can lead to scurvy, a serious condition that can shorten their life.
Guinea pigs need space to roam and exercise. Time outside the cage for supervised play is important for their physical health. If you keep your guinea pigs inside, having a safe place outside for them to go occasionally to eat grass and frolic is a good idea.
Health Care
Regular veterinary visits can help catch and treat health issues early. Guinea pigs are prone to dental issues, respiratory infections, and other ailments, so prompt attention is essential. Weighing your guinea pig regularly to check for weight loss may help catch any illnesses early enough so they can be treated in time.
Guinea pigs are social animals and prefer to live in pairs or groups. Loneliness or stress can negatively affect their health and well-being.
As with all pets, genetics plays a role. Some guinea pigs may naturally have a longer or shorter lifespan depending on their breed and genetic background.
Inside predators like cats and dogs must be watched closely! Even rabbits can badly injure a guinea pig. Also small children who don’t know how to handle cavies may accidentally drop them or bend them the wrong way and injure them. Outside predators like foxes, coyotes and raccoons will gladly make a meal of our plump little defenseless pets!